How to proceed when your spouse doesn’t want a divorce

In the state of Texas, you are generally allowed to divorce your spouse without first obtaining his or her permission. However, it will generally take longer to complete the marriage dissolution process if your spouse isn’t on board with ending the relationship. Let’s take a closer look at what you can do if your spouse isn’t interested in pursuing a divorce.

Give marriage counseling a try

Even if you truly believe that your marriage is over, filing for divorce is a significant step to take. Therefore, it’s important to be sure that it’s one that you’re ready to take before filing any paperwork. Attending marriage counseling may be one way to find out if there is any chance that the problems plaguing your relationship can be solved. Furthermore, going to counseling may help your spouse come to the realization that it’s in their best interest to engage in the divorce process if you’re serious about getting one.

Make a good faith effort to serve your spouse with divorce papers

Eventually, the judge overseeing your case will give you a default judgement granting your request to divorce your spouse. However, you must first show that you’ve made attempts to track them down and serve them with divorce paperwork. Generally speaking, you’ll have to wait at least 60 days before any judgement is rendered in your case, and this is typically true regardless of if the divorce is contested or uncontested.

If you decide that you’re no longer compatible with your spouse, you can end the marriage whenever you’re ready to do so. This is true even if your partner isn’t ready to move on, can’t be found or is otherwise making the marriage dissolution process harder than it already is.